Tribute Wall
Visitation at Funeral Home
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Friday, November 15, 2024
Abriola Parkview Funeral Home
419 White Plains Rd.
Trumbull, Connecticut, United States
Mass of Christian Burial
11:00 am
Friday, November 15, 2024
St. Mark Church
500 Wigwam Lane
Stratford, Connecticut, United States
Final Resting Place
12:30 pm
Friday, November 15, 2024
St. Michael Cemetery
2205 Stratford Ave.
Stratford, Connecticut, United States
Memorial Contributions
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105.
Shae Varholak Sattler posted a condolence
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
I can hear you whistling The Rooster Song in perfect pitch, and I see myself watching in awe, perched on my tippy toes, as you sketch your intricate doodles on the back of an envelope. I can smell the fresh yet warm scent of your aftershave, and I feel your big, soft hand wrapped around mine, your other arm around my back, swaying in Grandma’s kitchen to Mickey Blue Eyes playing from somewhere in the other room. Your deep, encouraging chuckle fills my chest as you mark a little red line on the measuring stick to delineate the tiniest bit of growth in your tiniest granddaughter…I strain to see my progress, but you insist it’s there.
Your crooning voice, your kind & encouraging smile, and that silly, infectious laugh where your lips curl in...there’s so much of you entwined in my memories, and boy, I’m so lucky there is.
I loved hearing your stories, and you shared them so freely, especially in the last handful of years… All the jobs you took as a kid to help support your family: your paper route; the auto parts depot; and cleaning & parking city buses at night with your friend Dick Labosh, praying to not scrape the bus against the wall…like Dick Labosh did. Of course, you were a model employee.
You had such ingenuity in getting what you needed with so little — like when you rebuilt that 1941 Ford you bought for next to nothing, body and engine…only to give it to your brother, who promptly crashed it while you were overseas. You were always so generous, especially when it came to those you loved.
…Stories of your time in the service — an admittedly subpar stenographer, but a loyal, devoted, and steadfast staff sergeant.
…Meeting Grandma as a teenager, shyly accepting the Prom King crown — though no one doubted how deserving you were of the title — falling in love, building our family, creating our story, enveloping us all in your and Grandma’s love that spanned 8 decades, and teaching us how to receive love and give it ourselves.
You were so proud of your family. You loved sharing your passions and interests with us, seeing your quirks in us but also recognizing our own individuality. You loved us so much, and we loved you so deeply right back.
Grandpa John: our steady and strong, yet soft and sweet patriarch. I already miss you so so much.
But, when I close my eyes and still smell your aftershave and hear your voice, I’ll be sure to give you a smile, wave a ‘seeya later’ hankie your way, and send you one of our long, tight, snuggly hugs you loved so much.
❤️ With all my love,
Your littlest Shaebear
Leslie Riccio posted a condolence
Friday, November 15, 2024
Dear Linda and Family,
So sorry to hear about the loss of your Dad. My sincere condolences. Love to all.
Leslie Haggar Riccio
Cheryl Varholak Prisco uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, November 14, 2024


There was always a star quality to my Uncle Johnny and Auntie Dee, a leading man to his leading lady. When they would visit it always felt like a holiday! The energy in the room would just lift with love and laughter. Uncle Johnny and Auntie Dee always made you feel special and they showed their support by always showing up to life’s events: weddings, showers, meeting the newest member of their big extended family (and fan club), anniversaries, summer celebrations, birthdays, and funerals. Uncle Johnny I will miss you terribly, I took it for granted you would be here always. I remember your smooth voice and laugh. I remember as a kid I loved the smell of your pipe, such sophistication. You always dazzled me with your artistic abilities. You were one of the reasons I had such a wonderful childhood. You and Auntie Dee were always so generous with your sincere interest and caring. Auntie Dee you continue to amaze and inspire. Thank you. I love you both so very much.
John Robert and Linda Jean we are so sorry for your loss. The photo I posted was from Grandma and Grandpa’s 50th? wedding anniversary at their house in Bridgeport…most of us grandkids are there. Such a long time ago! Sending much love to you and family. Cheryl Varholak Prisco and Richard Prisco.
catherine and michael lachioma posted a condolence
Monday, November 11, 2024
Grandpa John was one of the kindest people we have ever known. We were neighbors with his daughter, Linda and Dee and John became family. All the kids just adored him. We mourn his passing and send our love and prayers to Gramma Dee, Linda, Paul, John, Karen, Michael, Kara, Scott, Kyle and Shae and their spouses and all his great grandchildren. May angels lead him in.
Barbara Barbieri posted a symbolic gesture
Monday, November 11, 2024

Dear Dee, Johnny & Linda,
We are very sorry to hear of your loss. Dee and John were the best neighbors on Lumanor Drive. Dee told the funniest stories that always made our Mom laugh. John Sr., always the gentleman, puttering and fixing things. Johnny and Linda added to the many group of kids playing kickball in the Circle. As in those days, Dee and our Mom, in the summer would say "Go outside and play", then Dee went back to teaching and we saw Grandma Rosie as she watched Linda and Johnny. Then you moved to Random Road and we thought you had the coolest living room we ever saw. Thank you for the wonderful memories of our time with your family on Lumanor Drive and may John Rest in Peace. From the Barbieri Girls, Barbara, Diane, Michele, Janet.
Nicholas Varholak posted a condolence
Sunday, November 10, 2024
Lawrence Varholak Sr. was my grandfather, Johnny’s younger brother. I didn’t get to see John and as much as I’d like but every now and then I was able to get over to see Dee and John in Stratford or see them at a family affair. I was always greeted like a grandchild to them and it was like having a third set of grandparents. They were always so excited and curious about what’s going on in my life. Always welcomed by infectious kisses by both. John was such an easy going loving man and being with him was always warming and filled me up. John had a great sense of humor. I love him and will miss him. The brothers can finally be together in heaven Eddy, Lawrence and John. Love you, will miss you. -Nicholas
Gail and Ed Rowe posted a condolence
Sunday, November 10, 2024
Very sorry for your loss. John was a great man who acted as a fine example of what it means to be a committed spouse, a terrific parent, and someone who makes a difference in peoples' lives. May he rest in peace.
Tina Vermette posted a condolence
Friday, November 8, 2024
Dear Dee and family, we are saddened to learn of John's passing. John was a kind, thoughtful and involved member of the Oronoque Village community over the many years that he lived here. Dee, you have truly been a gift to our village and we appreciate all that you have contributed and that you continue to do so. You and all your family are in our thoughts and prayers as you deal with this loss. Please know that we and many others send our condolences and an offer of any way we can be a help to you going forward.
Your friends, Tina and Ray Vermette
John R Varholak posted a condolence
Friday, November 8, 2024
That's my dad!!!! He was my Superman, my Batman, my Hero. He passed on to me so many things that made me the person I am today.
Thanks Dad. I miss you already.
The family of John S. Varholak uploaded a photo
Friday, November 8, 2024

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Our Location:
419 White Plains Rd
Trumbull, CT 06611
Phone: 203-373-1013
Fax: 203-373-1168
For detailed driving directions click here.